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(王都フェルディア 昼)
Fhirdiad the, Kingdom Capital | Daytime
ディミトリ: 王都フェルディア……。ここに戻ってくるのも、久しぶりだな。
Dimitri: Fhirdiad... It has been a lifetime since I was last here.
Five years ago, in fact. On the day before my execution, when Dedue helped me escape from prison.
I killed soldiers from my homeland, stole weapons from their corpses, and made my escape, soaked in their blood.
To think this is how I would return to the city of my birth, after all that has happened...
Choice 1: ロドリグのおかげだ You have Rodrigue to thank.
ディミトリ: ああ。ロドリグは命を賭して、俺に道を示してくれた。……それから、お前もな。
Dimitri: Yes, Rodrigue gave his life to show me the way back to this path. You have risked much as well.
Choice 2: 誇りに思う I'm proud of you.
ディミトリ: ……やめてくれ。お前やロドリグがいなければ、俺は今も……
Dimitri: I do not deserve that. If not for you or Rodrigue, I would still be lost...
ディミトリ: お前がいてくれて、良かった。本当に、心の底からそう思う。
Dimitri: I am glad to have you at my side. From the bottom of my heart...I am forever grateful.
Let's win this, Professor. Let's all make it out alive and celebrate our victory.
ギルベルト: 殿下、すでに王城への道は開かれました。我々も進軍の用意は整っております。
Gilbert: Your Highness. The path to the castle has been cleared. We are making preparations to advance.
Say the word, and we march.
Choice 1: 号令を Give the order.
Choice 2: 行こう! It's time!
ディミトリ: ……ああ。
……王都の門はすでに開かれた!俺に続けっ! 我らの故郷を取り戻す!
Dimitri: Yes... Let us begin.
Everyone! Listen well!
This battle is for all that the Empire stole from us. It is a fight to reclaim the days of peace we once enjoyed.
I give you but two commands—stay alive, and follow your heart. That is all I ask.
The gates to the Kingdom capital are open. Join me! It is time to take back our home!
Royal Castle (Fhirdiad the, Kingdom Capital)
コルネリア: ……帰ってくると思ってたぜ、坊ちゃん。そのしぶとさ、ふふ、血筋かね?
Cornelia:I thought I would see you again, little princeling. Heh, so stubborn. It must run in your family.
公国将: コルネリア様、市街各地で民衆が暴動を……どうやら敵の到来に呼応しているようです。
Dukedom General: Cornelia! The city is overrun with insurrection. It seems to be in response to our enemy's arrival.
If we do nothing, our army may suffer damages. We should suppress the citizens immediately.
コルネリア: ……民衆が暴動?そんなの、勝手にやらせておきなさいな。
Cornelia: The people are rebelling? Ha! Let them do as they please.
Or are you saying you have enough soldiers to divide our forces? Quite bold of you, with our enemy's most elite soldiers at our doorstep.
公国将: ですが、コルネリア様……。
Dukedom General: But... What are you suggesting?
コルネリア: どうせ市街は戦場になるのだから、敵でも民衆でも抵抗する者は殺せばいいわ。
Cornelia: The city is going to be a battlefield anyway. Kill all who oppose us, even if they are members of the general populace.
Go on now. You are needed out there.
公国将: ……は。コルネリア様も、どうかご武運を……。
Dukedom General: As you wish. May we find fortune in the battle to come.
コルネリア: しかし……厄介な奴まで連れてきて、まったく困った坊ちゃんだこと……。
Cornelia: Hmph. What an inconvenience the little princeling has turned out to be. And bringing that troublesome person along with him...
It would have been much better if he and his sweet little stepsister had been good little children and just killed each other.